Homework (Week 3) ~April 14, 2014~
Week 3: Journaling Topic:
Write a condolence letter to your spouse.
Dear Nathan,
I wanted to say I am so sorry that your son, Harbor, has past away. I can completely understand how that must feel. I am sorry that you won't be able to watch him grow up or hear him say "Da-da." Or be able to see him smile at you. I can't help but feel responsible for your loss and I am truly sorry. I have appreciated you being by my side through this difficult time. I can't imagine some of the turmoil and heartache that only you, personally, can go through, as a dad. But you are an amazing husband & father!
It must have been really hard to sit beside me during the day we knew Harbor was going to be born and hold yourself together as well as you did. I was impressed watching you that day. What strength you showed me as a man of God! To watch you look up scriptures & stories about Prophets that have experienced loosing their own children. I appreciated that more then you may ever realize.
I am sorry your family & friends haven't been supportive or sensitive towards your feelings. I am also sorry that you took the brunt of people at church in order to protect my feelings. It has been a rough 9 weeks without your son in it. It hasn't been easy for the rest of us either.
We have been through so much in our married life and I couldn't imagine my life without you. Harbor will continue to be included in our family conversations, holidays & photos! He is your son & no one can take that away. No matter if we are able to have another child or not. He will not be replaced.
I hope & pray that you will find comfort & peace and know that you have a family that loves you dearly!
I love Harbor's name so much, because I truly feel HE is our Safe Harbor. He is a peaceful child & he is the calm after this storm. May he will be your light house & your beacon that rescues you from the hurt & pain of his passing. I love you babe.
I just want you to know that I am here for you as well! I love you so much!
Love Always & Forever! ~ Your Baby Blues (Robin)
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